Artist, Richard H. Eyster ’68

"Other than the births of my three daughters, my arrival at Maumee Valley was the most significant event of my life."

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  • A Beautiful Modern Exhibition Space

    Wolfe Gallery at MVCDS
Artist Statement:
The camera and artistic creation are extensions of myself: I feel most alive holding a camera in my hands. I truly “see” when I look through the viewfinder. I use the lens as a means of grasping my surroundings. As a documentarian, the camera serves as both tool and expansion of sight, allowing me to record and ultimately share stories with my audiences.

My artistic practice stems from an understanding that all people have unique perceptions and perspectives of the world, formed over our lifetimes by events that inevitably influence how we perceive and evaluate what we experience. My art reflects on how people observe the world around them, offering diverse interpretations of the subjects I document. This process allows viewers to form their unique perspectives of the subjects I find so beautiful.

The current focus of my practice is Object Memory, a concept centered around the notion that memories that individuals associate with a specific object or similar objects are tied closely to a unique event. I explore this concept through the documentation of forgotten or abandoned objects, working to understand if the memories associated with these items can be transferred or altered depending on the individual viewing them.

A unifying factor in the objects I record is a study of light. Light is everything, characterizing an image and transforming the everyday. While collaborating with these objects, I examine the different effects of light, striving to understand its profound impact on a viewer’s perception of the work, making an image powerful and dominating or soft and inviting.

I hope these new perceptions will stir and evoke emotional responses while provoking more in-depth thought on the documented subject matter, inviting viewers to engage the art and each other, and fostering reconnections with object memory.

Short Bio:
Rebekah Alviani is a published, award-winning, and internationally exhibited lens-based artist. She has been published in Photographer’s Forum Best of Photography 2015, The Remake Project by Chronicle Books, and various other publications. She has most recently been accepted into juried exhibitions in Kentucky, New Mexico, and the United Kingdom.

Rebekah has an associate’s degree in specialized technology in photography, a bachelor of fine arts in graphic design (along with minors in art history and marketing), and a master of fine arts in digital arts. She has served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Ghana, West Africa, as an art teacher in a Ghanaian school for the deaf.

She is presently a professional artist-educator in North Carolina, teaching digital art, photography, and video while continuing her visual research and art-making practice.

2023-2024 Gallery Season

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Constructed in 1991, the Wolfe Gallery was designed by world-class architect Hugh Newell Jacobsen and displays the work of Maumee Valley students and professional artists. It is a beautiful, well-lit, open space that showcases 2-D and 3-D artwork to full advantage.

For information on displaying your artwork in the Maumee Valley Country Day School Wolfe Gallery, contact Kristin Kowalski at

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Maumee Valley Country Day School is the only PreK-12th grade accredited, co-educational, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.